My appearance on Lawyer 2 Lawyer Podcast

I'm very pleased to have appeared  on the prestigious Lawyer 2 Lawyer podcast on the Legal Talk Network with host Robert Ambrogi.

The title of the episode was:   Entertainment Law & the Challenges of Celebrity

Show Description: From music to film to theatre, celebrities can be a challenge in an entertainment law practice. Attorney and co-host Bob Ambrogi welcomes Gordon Firemark, an entertainment and new media lawyer in Los Angeles, to take a look at entertainment litigation and working with a celebrity. Bob & Gordon look at the various legal cases in Hollywood and chat about Gordon’s new e-book, The Podcast, Blog & New Media Producer’s Legal Survival Guide.

One Response to My appearance on Lawyer 2 Lawyer Podcast

  1. Congratulations on your appearance and many thanks for all the BOSI columns. You provide a wonderful service to all screenwriters.

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