The Latest episode of my Entertainment Law podcast, Entertainment Law Update, is now available for your enjoyment. Listen here, or subscribe and download in your favorite podcast listening app.
Show notes are located at
Here's what we talked about…
- Santa Claus is Coming to Town ruling
- Happy Birthday Copyright
- Lenz v. Universal (Dancing Baby / Fair Use a right)
- Blurred Lines Case
- Innocence of Muslims Ruling (and possible en banc review)
- Pre ‘72 Copyrights – Turtles case, etc.
- Pre-1972 Music Update, Sony, Google, Apple
- The Turtles Lose Bid to Halt SiriusXM’s $210M Settlement With RIAA
- Pandora Settles
- Copyright Office Music Licensing Study – THB
- Point Break Live ruling
- Monkey Selfies
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