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Tag Archives: lawyers

20 ways to use your entertainment lawyer in the new year.

20 ways to use your entertainment lawyer in the new year.

Are you missing opportunities because you're not using your entertainment lawyer?

If you're like most people, you don't think much about having a lawyer on your side until you need advice, or to make or defend against some kind of threat. But having an experienced entertainment lawyer on your team can do much more for your career or business in the entertainment industry if you take advantage of all the ways you can use your lawyer. Here, in no particular order, is a list of ways you might not have thought about to use your lawyer to full effect:

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What you absolutely must know before you approach investors for your film / play / musical.

photo via flickr (bschmove)  under Creative Commons License

I am often consulted by film and stage producers who tell me they're ready to start work on raising the financing for their films/ plays/ musicals, or what-have-you, but often as not,  as we get to work, it becomes clear that they're not as ready as they think. Before going out to investors, it's important to have your ducks in a row.

Knowing the following six things before you start raising money will dramatically streamline the process, and get you closer to funding, faster.

1. Know your product.

What is a producer's product? Well, it seems obvious, right? A film/show about X, Y and Z. But is it really? Well, at this point, you're talking about maybe someday making a film about X, Y, and Z… but that's not a product (yet)… it's a dream. Right now… while you're “in development” your product is an investment opportunity.  Now, of course you've got to have a script, a crew, cast and a plan… and you'd better know who's going to come see the thing and why. Continue Reading

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