Tag Archives: solo practice university

Helping others learn to practice Entertainment Law… at Solo Practice University

Faculty @ SPU

I'm honored to have been asked to join the faculty at Solo Practice University, a web-based legal education community created by Susan Cartier Liebel of Build a Solo Practice, LLC.  Solo Practice University™ (SPU)  teaches legal professionals about the practical aspects of running a law practice.  This kind of instruction is not given in law school, and for most lawyers is acquired the “hard way”… by trial and error.    Now, SPU offers  lawyers and law students the chance to benefit from the experience of those who’ve gone before them into the world of private, solo and small-firm law practice.

As faculty, I’ll be teaching a course focused on the nuts and bolts of practice in entertainment law, and covering many different aspects of practice in this unique field.

Susan is encouraging SPU faculty to employ a variety of teaching methods, so I’ll be leveraging technology to provide an informative, interactive online course.   I hope that those who participate in my course will be better prepared to open their own offices and reap the rewards of self-employment in this challenging field.

I expect to learn quite a bit from the students, too… I have no doubt that fresh perspectives, and a diversity of ideas will make me a better lawyer.

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